Westwood / Dedham, Massachusetts, Criminal Defense Lawyer
Bail is money or property posted with the court to secure the release of a criminal defendant. A judge or magistrate conducts a bail hearing that can produce different results. You could be released on your own personal recognizance without bail upon your written promise to appear in court and to otherwise abide by your conditions of release. You could be released upon payment of a specified amount of cash bail or bond (although bail bondsmen are almost extinct in Massachusetts). You could also be ineligible for bail and denied a release pursuant to the applicable bail statute.
Contact a Dedham/Westwood lawyer at the Law Office of Philip L. Arnel.
The bail will be returned once the case ends so long as you make all your court appearances, even if ultimately convicted. However, the bail will be revoked and forfeited to the court if you fail to appear in court or otherwise violate any of your conditions of release.
How Can An Experienced Massachusetts Criminal Defense Attorney Help?
- Secure your pretrial release under the most desirable conditions
- Advocate in unfavorable situations for reasonable conditions of release or recognizance pursuant to pretrial probation, such as electronic monitoring, stay-away orders, curfews, surrender of passports or licenses (motor vehicle or firearms), etc.
- Advise you of your right to appeal if unable to obtain immediate release, and on the advantages and disadvantages of doing so
- Alert the court and sheriff as to any special needs if unable to obtain release, such as medical problems, and request the court to order appropriate measures
- Save you money that would otherwise be tied up as posted bail and subject to possible future forfeiture
You do not have to face these proceedings alone. Contact experienced criminal defense attorney Philip L. Arnel today to schedule a free initial consultation.