Free Initial Consultation:
Seal or Expunge Your Record

Fighting For Your Rights During Expungement Proceedings

Over 21,000 individuals are brought before the court annually for crimes in Boston alone. This does not include the thousands of people living on probation, with open warrants, or for whom restraining orders are in place.

If you have been living with a criminal record, you are all too aware of the difficulties associated with conviction. You struggle with limited rights, increased prejudice and difficulty obtaining jobs, obtaining living space and availing social services. But, thanks to criminal law justice reform, expungement is now an option for many people with criminal records or restraining order records. The Law Office of Philip L. Arnel can help you restart your future through expungement or criminal record sealing.

Is Expungement An Option For You?

There are a number of reasons and methods for addressing a prior conviction, including sealing records, correcting faulty or erroneous arrest-fingerprint records, or expunging your conviction entirely. Generally speaking, you might qualify for expungement if you fulfill the following requirements:

  • Under G.L. c. 276, §100K, your offense is no longer the basis for a crime or was based on misinformation such as identity fraud, police or witness errors, or fraud upon the court; or
  • Under G.L. c. 276, §100F, §100G, or §100H, you were under 21 years of age at the time of the offense was committed; and
  • You have no additional criminal offenses; and
  • You have completed your case either three years prior for a misdemeanor or seven years prior for a felony; and
  • Your offense is not an excluded one under the expungement law.

Expungement law can become complex and may be subject to appeal or to objection from the state. As expungement attorneys, we can provide you with strong advocacy and help you obtain an expungement or sealed record when possible.

Speaking With The Law Office of Philip L. Arnel

Contact our office today to schedule a free consultation. We will review the circumstances of your conviction and help determine if expungement is an option for you. Dial 888-651-2150 or reach out online.